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Reply to Teams Message

Woohoo! It's finally made it to Teams Desktop. Thanks Microsoft for the updates - keep 'em coming!

Reply to Teams Chat

As of this month, we can now reply directly to a message in a Teams chat on mobile AND desktop: 

screenshot Teams reply

This functionality has been available on the Mobile Teams app for quite a while, but only just made its way to desktop. If you don't regularly check the 'What's New' section of Teams, add it to your list of things to do while procrastinating. Just click the 'Help' icon at the bottom left of Teams > What's New.

screenshot Teams What's New

Reply to Teams Channel

Unfortunately this functionality is not available in Teams Channel conversations. You can reply to the entire thread, but not to an individual comment. In order to reference a specific comment or message in the thread, I can still recommend using "Windows Shift S" to take a screenshot, followed by a "Ctrl V" to paste it into the reply window. 

Screenshot / Snipping Tool Windows Shortcut

These screenshots are brought to you by the letter S.

This is probably my most used keyboard shortcut of all time. Just hold down the Windows key and Shift key at the same time, then tap the 'S' key (S is for Snipping or Screenshot):

Windows Shift S

Even if you take screenshots 10% as often as I do, you'll love the ease and flexibility of this tool. It enables you to copy a specific area of your screen straight to the clipboard, or edit it first and then copy to clipboard. Then you can paste it anywhere you want to send. Try it out now and see what you think. Does it do everything your current snipping tool does? 

Custom Visual Review: Charticulator

This is not your ordinary custom visual - this is EVERY custom visual. Charticulator puts the power to design and develop custom visuals to ...